Holiday Cheer Mini Hat by Nancy Ekvall

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Craft: Knitting

A cute mini hat with a fun pom-pom. Decorating options for this tiny project are endless. Create a cheerful holiday garland, hang as an ornament or add as a gift wrapping accessory. Knit an original creation by mixing and matching colors and patterns.

Complimentary pattern is for 1 solid hat with a solid pom-pom.Photos are provided for additional inspiration to create your own combinations. 1 mini hank will create one complete mini hat.


Advanced Beginner


Woolstok Bundle (100% Fine Highland Wool; 5g/12 yds): 21 mini hanksSize 6 (4mm) needle, or size to obtain gauge


Circumference: 4 1/2”Height: 2”


Cast Iron No. 1300Gravel Road No. 1302Highland Fleece No. 1303Wild Thyme No. 1306Earth Ivy No. 1309Cranberry Compote No. 1310Red Rock No. 1315Storm Cloud No. 1301