Daybreak by Stephen West

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Daybreak by Stephen West

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Daybreak by Stephen West

Craft: Knitting

This pattern is available on Ravelry.

Daybreak is a semicircular shawl, featuring clear graphic stripes that echo a rising sun. The generous wingspan allows the fabric to drape comfortably around your shoulders and neck. There is plenty of room to play with color in the three sections of this arched shawl.

Purlbreak is a garter stitch variation of Daybreak that was released as a free pattern update. You will receive both Daybreak and Purlbreak if you purchase this pattern.


Small (Medium, Large)

Finished Measurements

15 (17, 20)″ / 38 (43, 51)cm along the center spine, 52 (60, 72)″ / 132 (152,183)cm wingspan length. Measurements taken after blocking.


Freia Fingering weight Shawl Ball


335 (510, 765) yds / 306 (466, 700)m total

Color A - 135 (240, 325) yds / 124 (219, 297)m

Color B - 200 (270, 440) yds / 183 (247, 402)m


US 4 / 3.5mm circular in 32″ / 80cm length or size needed to obtain gauge


8 stitch markers, tapestry needle


23 sts = 4″ / 10cm in stockinette stitch after blocking