Rockaway Beach by Krista Ann

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Rockaway Beach

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Rockaway Beach

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Rockaway Beach

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Rockaway Beach

This pattern is available on Ravelry.

Beginning with a small cast-on on big needles this cowl is worked flat to begin with and grows asymmetrically. You then join it in the round to continue creating a lush fall of fabric in the amazingly textured Caracol yarn.

Knit it up fast and wear it with everything.

Suggested yarn

Malabrigo Yarn Caracol

The sample was knit in 3 skeins of the colorway Aniversario.


seed stitch

Gauge is not important for this pattern, 10 sts ~ 4.25 inches.

Needle size

US 15 - 10.0 mm


270 yards (247 m)

Sizes available

One Size